Student Engagement and Wellbeing

At Roslyn Primary School we believe that, fundamental to a student’s success, is their emotional and social wellbeing.  We ensure a consistent and positive approach to student wellbeing across the school with the teaching of social skills undertaken from a whole school, proactive approach.


Our Wellbeing Team meet regularly to discuss student wellbeing, and to identify the supports required for individuals and groups across the school.  


We encourage all parents and carers who many have concerns regarding their child to contact the child’s teacher first.


Our school engages Department of Education and Training support services to assist with student wellbeing, with access to occupational therapists, speech pathologists, specialist teachers and psychologists engaged as needed.


Please find below links to a number of facts sheets from the site Be You.

Body Image



Supporting children and young people experiencing depression

Supporting children and young people experiencing anxiety

Separation anxiety


Why play is important

Decision making in schools