School Helpers

At the beginning of the year, School Helpers information sessions are delivered at school. The information sessions are given by staff to support parents / carers who would like to volunteer on site.

Value of a school helper

  • Teachers and parents/carers are working together.
  • Greater understanding by parents/carers of their children’s schooling.
  • Greater understanding of the role of teachers and the planning and organisation required within a classroom.
  • Children seeing their parents/carers and teachers sharing common beliefs, attitudes and goals.
  • Greater one-on-one or small group opportunities for children
  • The value and importance of education is shared between the home and the school. We are all on the same team and we can work cooperatively and collaboratively to assist children in their learning.

Why classroom helpers are important:

  • Parents/carers have long been recognised by schools as the first educators of their child.
  • We believe in the need for classroom helpers, and encourage parents/carers and school to work in partnership for the best possible education of our children.
  • School helpers will volunteer to assist teachers on a regular basis and some less regularly.
  • Assist teachers with daily tasks so that they can focus on the instruction of the students.
  • We value our School helpers working with all children in the class, it is important not to work with just your own child.

Being a School Helper could involve:

  • Helping an individual student
  • Working with a small group
  • Listening to students read
  • Laminating games
  • Pasting in student work
  • Changing students’ take home books
  • Assisting with a sports program
  • Attending an excursion
  • Playing a maths game with a child
  • Helping in the veggie garden
  • Selling icy poles or soup
  • Checking on the chickens (when we get them)
  • Sorting out Book Club orders